Thursday, March 31, 2011

lil heart (earth hour)

lovely earth hour is back
the only hour that we will officially treat our mother earth good
i'm bac to hometown and thinking wat can i do apart from switch off home's light + switch off my fone
maybe shall get a helping hand from lovely friend around me ^^

so i try for few shot picha
heart to heart's word, asking my lovely friend to support
the earth hour

i'm lil not sure will they realise ant though i got msg some of them
and i wish we really help a lil to the mother earth
*my sista told me that, it helps but even we switch off light for 1yr still not good enough
i imagine myself, this one hour really have to put effort,
hope i can do it better next yr cos i think i didnt do well this year..

love friend,
we can also do it everyday,
less meat
save energy
less plastic bag
and stuff
we are one

luv ordinary

friend and school

Kindergarden + primary
pure lil shy heart is excited to go to school
meet new friend
love homeworks
love life

will lil of pure heart at first
after few step, unfortunately mix will black dot
make ppl dont feel like continue, wanna work, wanna have lover

will lil black dot + without guardian + environment's influence
not a problem..
wanna be glamour 
lover and money
maybe lil smoke
and lil drug